My mind has been busy with the things of the new year and so today is a catch up day, a look at all the things that have been zipping around my heart and soul and challenging me in all the ways of God.
I have been inspired, challenged and stirred in the areas of creativity.
A wonderful friend of mine started an Journalling Bible last fall and her instagram's are so encouraging. I have a very creative mind, but struggle oh so much in drawing it out. If Journalling Bibles interest you please check out Coralee's blog by clicking here.

Beautiful isn't it! I have been so inspired by her. Just before Christmas, my husband and were out with some friends. We were talking about devotional life and I started saying how my current journal, has been driving me crazy. I started to talk about what I preferred. Well, my hubby was listening so intently and purchased for me as a gift on Christmas morning a new heavy paper, coiled and beautiful journal. He also included a new set of Sharpie pens (he was careful to note that they do not bleed through). I was really excited, but as I continued to look at these large papers, I got discouraged.
In comes my good friend Coralee again. She not only inspired me through illustrated faith, but now also through documented faith. This is a group of people who have been joined together through art, a love of the word of God and the heart to journal. Coralee directed through her blog to a women named Stephanie Akerman. This woman has started Documented Faith. This I thought, this I could do. I think I can start here and then maybe after I am more comfortable move into a Journalling Bible.
So here goes, I am going to show you the first few pages of my Documented Faith Journal. I am continually stretched, continually pushed and continually meeting God in a new and expressive way this year.
I have had this book on my IPad for a few months, having bought in November. This book is one to help all the "Mary's" out there clean their homes and still have time to sit at the feet of Christ. Sarah Mae, wrote this amazing book. I am looking forward to starting it this month. Tomorrow (Tuesday January 20th) there is a group of women, reading the book and working through the challenges together. I NEED THIS! If you would like to join us, pick up your copy on Amazon for $1.19CDN for the next 6 days! Then the cost goes up to $4.99CDN . (Click on the link "31 Days To Clean") Visit Sarah Mae on her blog, as she and other women walk this through together.
A daily, free online biblestudy, that gave me so much life last year. I am going to thoroughly enjoy the time spent in the word. For the next 3 weeks we are studying Joshua. Join us!
I pray for all of you who read this blog, that you will encounter God in a new and inspiring way. That we will journey together in to a deeper intimacy, knowledge and communion with our heavenly father.
Be blessed.
This thrills me to bits! I love to hear that you're on a journey that leads you closer to God - so good! Thanks for the shout out, I'm so thankful for you.