Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Transformation: change of heart

February in Manitoba and the weather we all hoped to be having is distant from us. Last year right around this time I entered in to a postpartum depression. I was not aware of this, and did not become aware of it until 6 weeks later. Prayer and support from dear friends lifted me out. The Lord knew what he was doing when he encouraged me to write that email. 

I was terrified of this winter, knowing the dark days that it held, the cold and the feeling of being shut-in. As fall began to allow winter to take over I knew I needed to surrender this fear to my heavenly father who "makes all things new".  The strange thing about fear is that even though you know that the best way to deal with it is to surrender it, our sinful nature holds tight to it.  That was a battle all in itself. 

How great of my Father to deal with this depression last year, for this year winter has been far worse! This year has been the coldest and the most snow in 67 years!! 

This year, I have battled through with prayer and #thejesusproject, worship parties in my house, enjoying the warm sun through my window, precious times with my Lord. 

We serve a Mighty God! One who has changed water into wine, opened the eyes of the blind, raised the dead to life, healed the sick, fed the hungry, HE WAS DEAD AND ROSE AGAIN! We serve a God of transformation! 

I have been following along the bible study with If:equip and today I did the bible study on John 2:1-12.  Jesus' first miracle was changing water into wine. 
In John 2:5, Mary mother of Jesus turned to the servants and said "do whatever He tells you." (#DWHTY) IMMEDIATE OBEDIENCE brought forth the TRANSFORMATION( John 2:9 "When the master of the feast tasted the water now become wine...") 

I thank God for transforming my darkness into light, for bringing life. 


Friday, February 21, 2014


Welcome to my first post! How do you start your first post? I have started, once the kids are in bed and the dishwasher is running, two cups of coffee at Homegroup and many thoughts on my mind. In this blog, be prepared to be hit with the real. I am not one for the fake. I like real, real butter, real coffee (Starbucks), real feelings, real thoughts, real moments with my Lord.... that is a real heart on my sleeve, get used to it. If you follow this blog you will see it a lot. 

Certain women have inspired me to blog, Ann Voskamp, A Holy Experience, Christine Caine, Grace Covers Me, and many many others that I have run into on the web.

This blog is a place for exactly as it is titled. Follow Christ, Live in community(local and global), with my door always open, and my heart open.

I hope to call women to Christ, to encourage, to be a place where women can come to be with Christ, grow in Christ and call others to Christ. Will you join me on this journey?